Monday, January 26, 2009


She does not deserve to be called Catholic.

The Catholic League:

January 26, 2009
Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that it was necessary to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on family planning services in order to stimulate the economy. Pelosi maintained that “contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.”
Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented as follows:
“Looks like the Democrats have abortion and contraception on the brain. Last week, President Barack Obama lifted restrictions on federal funds being used to promote and perform abortions overseas. Now we have Pelosi arguing that the way to balance the budget is not by cutting expenditures, but by cutting kids. Her comment matches up well with what Obama said during the presidential campaign about comprehensive sex education: speaking of his own daughters, he said that ‘if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.’ (My emphasis.)
“We have reached a new low when high-ranking public office holders in the federal government cast children as the enemy. But at least it explains their enthusiasm for abortion-on-demand.”


  1. What happened to excommunication? We must instruct the ignorant, a spiritual work of mercy! She's making everyone confused; disobeying the Church's teachings, why can't everyone else? We have to enforce our laws!

  2. Yet again she's misrepresenting Church teaching...and wrong as usual, not only morally either. Even from a purely economic point of view its wrong:
