I wanted to share the story of Saint Jose Maria Robles Hurtado. I got the bio from Saints Index.
Born to a fervently Catholic family, the son of Antonio Robles and Petronila Hurtado. Entered the seminary of Guadalajara at age 12. Ordained on 22 March 1913 at age 25 at Guadalajara.
Consecrated to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, and in 1918 founded the Congregation of Victims of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus at Nochistlan, Zacatecas. The congregation was dedicated to pastoral health and education, assisting orphanages, and conducting missions. Today it is known as the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Parish priest in Tocolotlan in 1920. During the persecutions of the Mexican Revolution, priests were outlawed; parishioners urged to run, but he could not abandon his people. He was arrested on 25 June 1927 for presiding at Mass in private homes; he was at a make-shift altar when soldiers broke in to grab him. Hanged from an oak tree the next day, after having blessed and forgiven his captors; he kissed and blessed the rope, and put around his own neck so no executioners would not be guilty of the murder. One of the Martyrs of the Cristera War.